[Lee Rae-Kyung] Dumping Fukushima nuclear contaminated water must be stopped immediately – GLOMA.

Lee Rae-Kyung GLOMA Sponsor Chairman
(GLOMA: GLObal citizen’s MArch to Stop Nuclear Wastewater)

Even as a citizen of the third country, today I am raising questions about the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident even it has pass more than 13 years after accident, The reasons of ‘WHY’ are


because ocean water and atmosphere air have no limits of national borders.

because nuclear accident is not only belong to the residents of the region and the Japanese people, but it is a fatal topic that affects all coastal countries along the Pacific Ocean and ultimately all of humanity.


We are witnessing that Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) behavior from the outset of the accident has been flawed with cover-up(concealment), lies and manipulation. According to the testimony of Mr. Naoto Kan, who was the Prime Minister of Japan from the Democratic party at the time of the accident, even an accident of failure had occurred in the reactor cooling system, a major critical accident could have been prevented if seawater were immediately injected which could keep the temperature down.

However Tokyo Electric Power Company was hesitating to use seawater on the reason that pouring seawater would damage the reactor not to operate again, which causes the financial loss of worth 5 trillion won (ca. 4bio USD). Then shortly it led the nuclear reactor into the melt-down accident as regarded to the 7th grade, which caused situation irreversible and brought a fatal disaster to all of humanity.

In addition, local residents of Fukushima area testified that, although the Japanese government is to evacuate and guide the residents to safety zone, who were living within a 40km radius of the accident site in complying to accident-response regulations, but Japanese Government did not even make proper announcements about accident to the people in the area.

In a short to summary, TEPCO caused such a huge disaster by worrying about financial losses, and Japanese Government neglected the lives and property of the residents on spot although protecting them is its primary role of existence.

For your reference, the Soviet government had deployed dozens of special agents shortly to the exact spot of the Chernobyl accident, which caused similar large-scale catastrophe of level 7, then they sealed the accident site with cement to prevent further extension of damages. Of course, it is known that all the agents who were deployed there died within a few weeks due to excessive radiation exposure.

In this connection, the very serious issues lies in that the international community cannot trust and believe in Tokyo Electric Power Company and Japanese Government with regard to their report on Fukushima accident and the post-processing measures.

I argue that the lessons we should learn from this accident are as follows.

Nuclear power generation is absolutely unacceptable in a region like Japan, which is vulnerable to natural disasters such as frequent earthquakes and tsunamis. In addition, even in areas that are evaluated as relatively safe, renewable energy or safe alternative power generation facilities should be given priority on instead of nuclear power generation, which should be provisionally reviewed as a last resort only when there is no other alternative.

Of course, in the long run Nuclear power system must be banished from the Earth, if no solution available for permanent safety.

Also as citizens of neighboring countries and members of human society, we can never accept or overlook the actions of TEPCO and Japanese Government, who decided to dump nuclear contaminated water into the clean ocean.

We reaffirm the records of the concealment and lies they have continued to develop over the past 10 years, and therefore make requests as follows:

First of all, the dumping nuclear pollutants into the sea must be stopped unconditionally.

Someone can claim that the nuclear agency IAEA approved the decision, but this is incorrect.

The IAEA did not make direct investigation and confirm the situation of the site by their eyes, but they simply judged the contents of one-sided (fabricated) report as appropriate, just by accepting the guidelines, suggested by TEPCO.

There is strong suspects that such approval was made in return for substantial amount of money transfer in the name of donations from Japanese side, which can be regarded as bribes.

In other words, this is like a game of Ping-Pong, where TEPCO is trying to utilize the name of the IAEA for justification of dumping decision, and the IAEA gestured the formal logic cycle of impunity, claiming that they only made approval based on the report prepared by TEPCO, not based on its own due diligence. They just bypassed the responsibility on to each other. That’s it.

I am not an expert on nuclear subject and simply an ordinary citizen with little knowledge on it, but would like to suggest the following procedures and measures based on common sense in response to such fatal nuclear catastrophe.

First of all, let me mention it again that TEPCO and Japanese Government must immediately stop dumping nuclear contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean.

Afterwards, so-called “an international investigation & management committee” consisting of the members from all relevant countries along the Pacific coast together with international civic groups concerned should be established to re-investigate the background, the cause, the impact, and the measures in recovery of the accident from the very beginning, as well as it should directly involve, discuss, reach to the agreement of a conclusion on the situation, and daily due inspection, also processing methods of treatment on the contaminated water, etc.

In addition, as the only responsible international organization, UN should not be swayed by hegemony and geopolitical powers on the subject. Instead of an organization called the IAEA, which defends only the logic and monopoly of nuclear powers, UN should set up a separate organization responsible for Earth ecological environment and clean oceans to protect them from such nuclear pollution. Then UN must re-examine and re-investigate the accident to provide responsible statements with exact reports to the international community, regarding its position on Fukushima accident and future measures to follow up.

As living in the 21st century, we must respond ourselves to historical calling and humankind responsibility to preserve Earth as it is a beautiful& blue planet, which was created as miracle by the divinity of the universe. Also we are obliged to pass it on to the descendants in better conditions.

We repeat the request that Japanese Government must immediately stop dumping nuclear contaminated water into the ocean until proper reports with suggestion of future measures be issued by “the International Investigation & Management Committee” together with UN organization as suggested above.

There can be no compromise or no concession in this regard. We want to make it clear that no single case or no exception of dumping should be acknowledged.

We are gathering here in the name of all citizens of the world, uniting our hearts and wills to fight continuously without interruption to prevent our beautiful blue planet from being polluted by deadly nuclear contamination. Thank you

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